Coan invited Caroline to "Cubbies" at his church, Henry Baptist, a couple of weeks ago and, of course, she went. Cubbies is a program held each Wednesday evening throughout the school year during which the kids learn songs, Bible verses, and play together. Caroline had so much fun the first week that she has continued to go each week with Kayce, Coan, Clark, and Danielle. Well, this week was the end-of-the-year finale and Caroline was invited to participate. She did very well - especially considering she had two short weeks to learn what the other kids have been working on all year! (Yes, that is a gratuitous boast!) She stood front and center with her little blue Cubbies vest and went to town on the songs, motions, and verses! She did her Auntie Bean Bean proud! Caroline was awarded a certificate of participation and a really generous goodie bucket!
After the program, the church had a mini-carnival for the kids. It was really cute and the kids loved it. Thank you, Johnson family for being like family to us and for loving our girls so much. You are a blessing!!
Never shall I forget the days I spent with you. Continue to be my friend, as you will always find me yours. ~ Ludwig van Beethoven