My, how time flies... Emily Kate is now officially three months old. I can hardly believe that three months ago I held her for the first time, stared into her blue eyes for the first time, stroked her petal soft cheek for the first time... she is such a special girl and I still marvel each and every day at how lucky a mama I really am to have these two blessings in my life.
I am trying to remember to take a picture each month of Em next to her favorite stuffed bunny in order to document her growth. I forgot to do it at one month (chalk it up to newborn lack of sleep), but I did remember at two and three! Here's her three month picture:

How beautiful is she? She's still holding the title of "easy" baby in our household - although her big sister did not make it very hard for any subsequent sibling to accomplish that! Every day Em does something new and wonderful and I have enjoyed every moment of my maternity leave with her. The upcoming week is my last one home with her before I have to return to work. I am going to relish it!
Our daughters are the most precious of our treasures,
the dearest possessions of our homes and the objects of our most watchful love.
~ Margaret E. Sangster
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