Emily is officially four months old today and I decided to finally let her try some solid foods. Up until this point I have been solely responsible for her nutritional needs :) and she's lately been showing a lot of the signs of being ready to try something a little more substantial. Her first non-liquid meal consisted of Beech Nut Oatmeal with mixed berries. Caroline had her first cereal at a little over three months and also had oatmeal first, so I figured this would be a good route for Em, as well. She loved it! Of course, she only had about three or four small little bites before we stopped, but it was a very successful first feeding. After she ate that and went down for her nap, I pureed some bananas, avocados, and applesauce for her. I froze it in ice cube trays so it will be easy to thaw out in individual portions as we need them. It was really easy to do, and after seeing the price of baby food jars in the store this morning, I was willing to give it a try. We're on a serious budget in this house!!
Caroline was sooooo excited about Emily eating cereal. She has been waiting for this day for quite some time and it was like a dream come true for her to be able to feed her sister!!

"I am not a glutton - I am an explorer of food." ~ Erma Bombeck
So sweet!