We had a wonderful Christmas Eve - full and busy, but wonderful. We went to church for the Christmas Eve candlelight service first, and it was beautiful. I always love candlelight services at Christmas. It forces you to slow down and remember the real reason for Christmas. It's so beautiful to sit in a darkened sanctuary and watch as slowly each candle brings forth a little bit of light until the entire room is bathed in the soft glow. Listening to the congregation sing Silent Night gives me warm chills :) Christmas is a special time. Watching Caroline and now Emily, too, learn the traditions and customs of Christmas has been one of the greatest joys of my life... but I digress. Back to the narration! After church, we went to Grandmama and Granddaddy's house for our traditional Olive Garden-catered Christmas Eve meal. So delicious. After that we opened presents with Trav's family. Of course, Caroline and Emily received many nice and beautiful things. Best of all: Grandmama and Granddaddy want to take the family to Disney World in September. We are very excited about that and are already working to Dave-Ramsey-fy our portion of the trip. We will make it happen somehow! After we got finished at Grandmama and Granddaddy's house, we headed home to get ready for Santa's visit to Bowers Lane. Bean Bean and Caroline made sure that the reindeer food was properly sprinkled on the lawn and everyone tried to get into bed as early as possible. Well... everyone except Mom, of course! That work seems to never be done!

"Even as an adult I find it difficult to sleep on Christmas Eve.
Yuletide excitement is a potent caffeine, no matter your age."
~ Carrie Late
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