We had so much fun this Halloween! As I have said before, I refuse to let Halloween die. It's a precious holiday to me and I find absolutely nothing offensive or dangerous about it. Halloween predates Christianity, so the whole anti-Christian thing is kind of far-fetched. Look around you. There are nasty, evil people everywhere and they don't choose only to do nasty, evil things on Halloween. Christianity itself has roots in paganism. You can make anything evil or Satanic in your mind if you concentrate on it hard enough. One of the saddest things is to plant seeds of distrust or judgment in a child's eyes over a nonsensical holiday.. It's heartbreaking when a child I teach thinks that his/her friends are bad or evil or not going to heaven because they dress up for Halloween. Do your own thing, but remember that kids aren't emotionally or intellectually sophisticated enough to understand things like unadulterated evil and Satanism. Love Jesus but remember that it's okay to enjoy a holiday. I'm pretty sure that you won't jeopardize your salvation by doing so. Now, being judgmental, self-righteous, and poisoning your child's mind against other people, that's more worrisome to me!
Anyway. We dressed up, we made cupcakes, we trick-or-treated, and we will do it all again next year! Emily was an adorable little pumpkin and Caroline was a "scary vampire." We had a blast with our neighborhood crew. Emily wanted to stop at every house and eat her candy and Caroline thought the night should never end! Check out the pictures for cuteness overload!
Scary Vampire |
I go trick or treat. |
All tuckered out. |
Halloween cupcakes! |
Caroline, Emma, and Madison |
Boo's Coos and Scary Vampire |
Mommy and Punkie |
"I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion."
~ Henry David Thoreau
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