It's weird to write this post now because it is based on Emmy's favorite words from eight months ago and her vocabulary has grown by leaps and bounds since then, but, dang, it sure is cute to go back and read what I had jotted down then! She's such a little stinker! Here are some of her favorite things to say (back when she was just turning two!)
mah-dom = more gummies... Emily's favorite snack at the time was those nasty little packets of fruit gummies. She could eat several bags at once and we had to ration her. I always tried to buy the all-natural, vitamin-enriched, real fruit juice ones, but, come on - something that comes out with the texture and shape of a fruit gummy makes me think it could survive in a landfill for hundreds of years.
banny = bananas... On a much healthier note, she also loved (and still loves) bananas. That particular word just has too many repetitive syllables and so our resourceful and uber-efficient daughter just shortened it to banny. We still call them bannies even though Em now prefers the elongated banana.
nasee = nasty... As in, "dat nasee." Oh, the long list of things that were "nasee" to Em. Everything from her loud and raunchy poots to certain foods to Cody's breath. She was never at a loss for "nasee" things.
mah-tees = more cheese... Another of Em's favorite snacks is string cheese. I don't mind this one at all because she eats the skim milk version and they are packed with good protein and calcium. Of course, after the first three or so I try to slow her down. Then she just gets mad and says, yep, you guessed it, "mah-tees."
ideahm = i want to come... This one is usually souped up with a serious feel-sorry-for-me whiny lilt. It kind of goes up in tone and then comes back down all in one phrase. There's a kind of expectant note to it that makes you feel like if you say no, you can't come this time, you will be inflicting one of life's more cruel disappointments.
da-down = get down... Em has never been one to sit back and watch life unfold. She does not like to be constrained and she stays busy all the time. When she is done with her highchair (or you, for that matter) she lets you know with a resounding and very demanding da-down. It usually only takes one or two repetitions.
baby its cold outside... This was Em's favorite Christmas tune. She LOVED it and continued to sing it for quite some time after the season ended. Of course, the only line she knew was that one and she would just sing it over and over and over and over and over... cute, but after the first hundred or so times, you would pay her to sing pretty much anything else.
sissy hit memmy = Caroline just hit me, please punish her now... Emily learned quickly that this one would get at least a little attention (I mean, hey, you do kind of have to find out the details before brushing it off). What we soon learned was that if anyone was hitting, it was Emily. Caroline has never been a fighter. She's verbal (hello, Mommy) and will try to talk her way out of anything before it comes to blows.
toady = Cody... Simple enough. Poor Cody. It's usually accompanied by a "bad boy" or "no no" or other scolding.
betsthee = Becky... Miss Becky will forever be known as Mit Betsthee. Darn missing bottom teeth.