One of Caroline's absolute favorite people in the world is my Mom, or Grandma, as she is otherwise known. My Mom taught elementary school for many years before taking an early retirement - teaching is just not what it used to be and she decided that the exhaustion, frustration, and toll on her health were no longer worth the long hours and low pay. I can't say that I blame her - she was an excellent teacher and it's very sad to think of the many children who have and will miss out on the benefits of being under her tutelage because of a broken and completely misguided system... there I go again - digression. Back to the main idea, here. Anyway, Mom now works at the University of Georgia. She supervises educators who evaluate and score the writing assessments of students from all over the state. So, she is still applying her knowledge of teaching and learning, but she is no longer working in the classroom. Her schedule is pretty tight, but every now and then she will have a day off. One of those days came around a few weeks ago and she decided to come to East Lake to surprise Caroline with a visit to her classroom and lunch. It was adorable to see Caroline's face light up when she realized her Grandma was really there! Mom slipped right back into that teacher role and was completely comfortable with the kiddos. They were rapt and listened while she read them a story. They had great fun! Such a good memory for everyone.

"Grandma always made you feel she had been waiting
to see just you all day and now the day was complete."
~Marcy DeMaree
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