Aaaahhhhh... just remembering it as I type makes me feel relaxed. We got back from our fall trip to Jekyll recently and had another wonderful time. I never, ever tire of being there and letting the entire place just wash over me. It was fantastic and beautiful and I wish we were still there! We had beautiful weather the entire trip (except for Sunday morning when Trav and I ran a cross country 5k in some very chilly and drizzly weather!) and took every advantage of being outside doing the things we love to do while we are there. We spent a lot of time on the beach, riding our bikes, visiting the JI Club for snacks, sunsets, sightseeing, and shopping, and just plain old relaxing. We had great, home cooked meals every night and saw plenty of our little buddies - the deer, raccoon, and seagull! We went to the Sea Turtle Center and Caroline had the opportunity to watch the vets work on a huge 185 pound female Loggerhead named Squall. It was really neat! We've seen them working on turtles before, but never one this big. The GSTC is such a great place and they do amazing work there. Caroline and I went on a horse drawn carriage tour of the Historic District - this was a first for us - we usually just walk and do our own thing, but she really wanted to ride in the carriage and so I thought it would be a good experience for just the two of us. We had a great time and Caroline took some pictures - several of which turned out very well! She's such a sport. One of the highlights of my week was during one of my morning jogs. I ran down Old Plantation Rd to the Historic District and ran along the river. I had to stop and take a few (okay, a lot of) moments to enjoy the most amazing view... the weather was beautiful, sun dappling through the trees, sparkling on the water, breeze ruffling through the moss... it was absolutely beautiful. I don't know how long I sat on that bench and watched the world, but it was just gorgeous. One of those moments when you really feel like you understand what God intended when he created the world... Here are some pictures of our week.
The view from our carriage :) |
Very artistic, don't you think? She has an eye. |
Caroline loves palms. |
More palms. |
Rockefeller's Indian Mound Cottage - this is Caroline's favorite in the Millionaire's Village. |
Sunlight through the moss... |
Where's the Red Bug? |
Sweet Em |
Sassafras |
Caroline gazing into her future. |
She is so just like her mama. |
"A vacation spot out of season always has a very special magic." ~ Max Von Sydow
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