The Thomas Family Blog

"And wherever we are, Home is there, too."
~ Jack Johnson

Monday, November 14, 2011


I have aspired to begin blogging for several years - partly out of a selfish desire to indulge in writing again, but mostly out of a more altruistic desire to document our little family's memories and moments in the fervent hope that, one day, Caroline and Emily will look back on these entries and remember what it was like to be young, unhindered, and totally carefree. I am not sure how this blogging adventure will progress and evolve, but I invite you to read, critique, make requests, and enjoy this little window into our hectic, hilarious, and (mostly) happy home!

Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach.

~ Tony Robbins

This is what I wrote on my very first blog entry way back on April 11, 2010. I can't believe it's been as long as it's been since that first tapping away on the keyboard. I am proud of all I've gotten down and recorded. Of course, I'd like to have written 200 posts, but 100 is still an accomplishment. So much has happened in these 19 months... and many of the "little" moments would have been lost to memory had I not taken the time to blog them. I still blog for the girls in the hope that one day they will be able to appreciate reading the entries and remembering what it was like to grow up in our little family. Maybe one of these days I will convert the blog into a book... who knows. For now, the holiday season is upon us and that means lots of blog-fodder! Onward and upward!!

"As for goals, I don't set myself those anymore. I'm not one of these 'I must have 
achieved this and that by next year' kind of writers. I take things as they come 
and find that patience and persistence tend to win out in the end." 
~ Paul Kane

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